Believing in Collingwood is tempting once again after Pies squeeze into Super Netball finals | Erin Delahunty

Does their improbable finals berth signal the end of the Colliwobbles or is it just another false dawn?

Like many others who have drunk the Collingwood Kool-Aid since the AFL powerhouse joined Super Netball in 2017, I have more than once been left looking like a goal keeper gone hunting out of the circle, only to watch the ball sail over their head to the smug, unguarded shooter under the post. Like a patsy, as Liz Ellis would say.

Collingwood have repeatedly and spectacularly failed to live up to their own and external hype since bursting onto the elite netball scene in a blaze of publicity. Despite a well-funded program, unrivalled training facilities and a roster of world-class talent, the Pies have made an art form of under-delivering – a netball version of the Colliwobbles.

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from The Guardian