David Cameron’s self-indulgent sorrow doesn’t excuse his cowardice | Will Hutton

The former PM fails to acknowledge that he allowed the Tory party’s ultra right to railroad him into a referendum that did not have to be held

Mr Cameron does not know his own country. His apology for “the uncertainty and division that followed” the referendum result is an attempt to keep alive the fiction that it had to be called – only its conduct was mistaken. Wrong. There was no widespread call for a renegotiated relationship with the EU in the country in 2013 when he made his fateful decision. There was only a problem of Tory party management.

The needless pain inflicted by severe cuts, along with the reaction to immigration, was always going to make it a hard referendum to win. The ground had to be carefully laid, the referendum carefully framed and a compelling cross-party campaign organised. None of that happened. And too little of that is recognised by our wounded, self-indulgently sorrowful ex-PM.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2O3JK1M