Reality shows are inherently disposable TV – but I can't stop watching and rewatching the Amazing Race | Andrew James

I honestly can’t explain how I ended up in so deep

Reality shows make for inherently disposable TV. You squeeze the value out during the season, then discard them like week-old leftovers. Are people really going to be talking about bad behaviour on The Bachelor a year after the show screened? No, the conversation will have moved on to the next crop of wannabe Instagram influencers. So why is it I’m still fully invested in The Amazing Race, a reality show that’s been going since 2001, happily rewatching old seasons with full knowledge of the result? The fourth season of the Australian series is starting on Monday night, and I can’t wait.

I enjoyed watching the earlier seasons particularly the sense of travel: it gives you a snapshot of places you normally wouldn’t visit. But around season 20 or so, I really started watching the show – discussing it on Reddit, rewatching older seasons I’d missed, and waiting for the next season to start. And I can’t really explain why I did.

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from The Guardian