ABC journalists' climate crisis group survives political heat | Weekly Beast

Staff advisory group that outraged News Corp, and that Ita Buttrose ‘ruled out’, is going ahead. Plus: ABC clears Tracey Spicer documentary for airing

Last year Justin Milne got into trouble for acting like he ran the ABC, giving directions for staff to be sacked or telling management what they should do. But no one seems to mind the current ABC chair’s forthright style. Ita Buttrose is in demand and she grants interviews and makes statements that occasionally sound like she, and not David Anderson, is the managing director. Or at least that’s how certain media outlets interpret her comments, to be fair to Buttrose.

Headlines such as “Ita Buttrose urged to scrap MeToo documentary” and “Ita Buttrose pulls ABC’s Q&A show over ‘call to violence’” add to this perception.

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from The Guardian