The crazy costumes, the incontinence pants, the dead squirrel on his head … Elton told all in this fawn-fest on the Côte d’Azur. But who paid for Graham Norton’s open-top Rolls-Royce?
The doves weren’t feeling it that night. Why should they have been? See it from their perspective. You and your mates have been trapped inside five pianos on stage at the Hollywood Bowl, waiting for your cue. And what was that cue? As soon as the flamboyant Englishman descends a staircase on to the stage, the piano lids will fly open, each bearing one of the letters of the name ELTON, hopefully in the right order. Your task will be to fly into the California night to a soundtrack of oohs and aahs before laughing boy bangs out Elderberry Wine.
It didn’t happen. As Elton John made his entrance into US society in 1973, in a white outfit making him look like the victim of a tarring and feathering, the piano lids flew up, but the birds didn’t. “The doves had fallen asleep,” he recalled. Like so many matters raised in Elton John: Uncensored (BBC One), questions remain. Were any doves harmed during the making of this concert? Had they nodded off during the sound check? I would have.
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