He’s no dream candidate, but Joe Biden may be the best hope to oust Trump

The Democratic frontrunner is 77, a moderate, and not the best performer in debates. But he outpolls his more radical rivals, and that may be enough

The best thing about Joe Biden is he is not Donald Trump. That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement but it could be a winning card. As the Democrats bid to recapture the White House in less than a year, it’s Biden, despite his multiple failings, who looks like their safest bet.

It’s already clear the election will not be about ideology or ideas. Leftwing candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and the youthful insurgent, Pete Buttigieg, would like to make it so. But the main battle will be fought over issues of identity and character, national and personal. Last week’s vitriolic impeachment clash was a foretaste.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2SeP989