The power of six: what I've learned from having five siblings

Growing up in a big family was intense, chaotic and character-forming. This is what it taught me

If you have siblings, the chances are that your relationship with them will be the longest you ever have with anyone. It’s a tie that precedes the one you have with you partner, and that can last long after your parents and friends have gone.

So why is so little attention paid to the brother and sister bond? The majority of sibling self-help books are aimed at parents who have young children locked in rivalry. Very little is written for adult siblings on how to maintain a healthy relationship. Michelle Qureshi, a London-based therapist, tells me she has seen a rise in the number of people seeking sibling counselling. “People no longer stay in the same area or live close to their extended families,” she says. “Busy schedules mean we don’t see each other as often as we used to. Sibling relationships can be intense and we set high expectations on them – so when they break, they can be difficult to resolve.”

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from The Guardian