Australia is flattening the coronavirus curve. Why can’t we do the same for climate? | Toby Thorpe and Bryher McKeown

As 18-year-olds thinking about our future, we know climate action must be more than an accidental result of a pandemic

School has resumed after the holidays, and it will not be as any student has experienced before. But this isn’t the first time we have sacrificed our education to flatten a curve for the greater good. We’ve been doing it since 2018 when we decided to forego school classes on Fridays to bring attention to the climate crisis and the exponential curve of fossil fuel emissions that, according to the World Health Organisation, kills seven million people a year.

As young people locked in our houses with endless video calls for uni and work, we are worried. Are we the first generation to watch the world go through two exponential crises? One of medical concern, threatening the lives of millions and locking down countries. And the other a climate crisis that is already affecting billions and could end life on this planet as we know it.

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from The Guardian