Coronavirus live news: Fauci warns against Trump rallies; health fears in Australia over BLM protests

Brazil death toll becomes second highest in world; Dr Anthony Fauci says gatherings are a ‘danger’; Australia’s chief medical officers warns against BLM rallies

As US president Donald Trump continues to fearmonger over Twitter about the hundreds of protesters who have occupied several city blocks in Seattle and dubbed them a police-free “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” Seattle’s mayor has responded that “Seattle is fine.”

Seattle is fine. Don’t be so afraid of democracy.

Seattle PD made (then walked back) a claim about extortion in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Actual businesses around the CHAZ say they’re watching Ava DuVernay films, handing out granola bars, and having a nice time:

The ABC reports that thousands of sheep stranded in Western Australia after the crew of an export ship contracted coronavirus will finally be sent to the Middle East, despite a shipping ban.

The federal department of agriculture this month refused to grant the export ship Al Kuwait an exemption to travel during the northern summer, to prevent sheep suffering from heat stress. But the ABC reports that the majority of the sheep can now travel on a different ship, which meets animal welfare requirements. It is understood that the ship will sail by Wednesday.

Thousands of sheep stranded on coronavirus export ship in WA to be sent to Middle East

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from The Guardian