Coronavirus live news: WHO reports record global case rise as Sydney tightens overseas arrivals

Global daily cases increase by over a quarter of a million; Sydney to limit overseas arrivals to 350 per day from Monday; Restrictions tightened in Barcelona. Follow the latest updates

In Australia, some Melbourne childcare centres say they may have to close within weeks without more government support, thanks to a combination of the Covid-19 lockdown and changes to federal subsidies.

Mandy Kelly, who runs the Melbourne University Family Club Co-operative, says she could lose about $12,000 a fortnight as families unenrol or choose not to send their children during the lockdown.

Related: 'Disastrous': new lockdown means some Melbourne childcare centres could shut in weeks

Israel reopened schools and many businesses in May, lifting restrictions that had flattened an infection curve after a partial lockdown imposed in March.

Reuters reports that with the infection rate rising sharply in the past few weeks, many public health experts said the government had moved too fast while neglecting to take the necessary epidemiological steps to control the pandemic once the economy reopened.

A poll by the nonpartisan Israel Democracy Institute that on Tuesday found only 29.5% of the public trust Netanyahu’s handling of the crisis.

Netanyahu has announced numerous economic aid packages, some of which have been slow to come through while others have drawn criticism for being ineffective.

Israel, with a population of 9 million, has reported almost 50,000 coronavirus cases and 400 deaths.

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from The Guardian