Mermaids: Winona Ryder and Cher sparkle in underappreciated 1990s coming-of-age gem

The mother-daughter chemistry crackles between the two female leads in this film about growing up, no matter your age

Mermaids is a coming-of-age tale with a difference. Set in small-town America in 1963, it tells the story of the nomadic Flax family: young single mother Rachel (Cher), nine-year-old water-baby Kate (Christina Ricci) and 15-year-old Charlotte (Winona Ryder), who is grappling with the things teenagers grapple with – identity, sexuality, shoes – as she searches for herself and her place in the world. But in a twist on the genre, Rachel, who was only 16 when she had Charlotte, is inching towards her own enlightenment. Both mother and daughter grow up over the course of the film, because and in spite of each other.

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from The Guardian