A clusterpocalyse is heading our way – so stock up on good times (not loo roll) | Hadley Freeman

We should be watching movies that have nothing to do with the current depressing situation

Exciting news, everyone: this winter will be terrible! This is palpably and collectively beginning to sink in, with conversations transitioning from, “It seems like we’ve flattened the curve now, right?” to “Oh, the apocalypse is coming. Well, something to put in the diary at last, I guess.” In case anyone was daring to nurture a flicker of optimism, a recent article by the Spectator’s political editor, James Forsyth, dampened that spark: “This winter the government could be dealing with flu, Covid-19, flooding, mass unemployment and all the issues arising from the end of the Brexit transition period. The cabinet is assessing how ready the state is to handle multiple crises at once.” Haha – Brexit! Oh my God, remember that? Brexit feels like the annoying boyfriend you’d forgotten about because your house burned down. And as you clear the ashes from what was your life, you realise he’s still there, holding a boombox.

I’m going to take a casual punt here and say the state will probably be not that ready to deal with this incoming clusterpocalypse, judging by the past and current state of affairs. But we can be more prepared than we were for lockdown which, I would wager, took most of us by surprise. Not all of us, of course: my father was sending me emails about the coronavirus from late January, which I merrily ignored. For many of us who grew up in the 1990s – an era so comparatively drama-free it birthed a genre of films in which the protagonists had to make up fictional villains (Fight Club, The Game) because even Hollywood admitted there weren’t really any threats any more – it took a while to realise how bad things were. And now, they are going to get worse.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2Ctn9YW