Allocating blame for Covid-19 might be satisfying, but it is unhelpful | Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz

As with everything this year, it feels like a tired phrase, but we really are all in this together

Early March seems like a lifetime ago. It’s easy to look back at those halcyon days with a sort of fondness, even a note of joy. Yes, there was sadness – a family member lost their job, my wife’s shifts were cut back and our income dipped substantially – but there were also many bright lights shining through lockdown. Friends organised a weekly trivia, and while we never won, we had a great time playing. A group of gamers got together with our Nintendo Switches and played endless hours of Mario Kart, having fun together even though we were legally mandated to be apart. It was sad, yes, but also exciting and fun, something new to liven up the tedium of day-to-day life.

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from The Guardian