Coronavirus live news: Latin America deaths near 250,000; Russia to start mass vaccine trials

Another 1,204 fatalities in Brazil push continent’s toll higher; Russian test to involve 40,000 people; UK’s second city Birmingham faces lockdown

An Irish cabinet minister is in hot water after attending a golf society event with more than 80 people just a day after his government tightened Covid-19 restrictions, including limiting indoor gatherings to just six people. Ireland is facing one of Europe’s fastest increases in infections.

I wish to apologise unreservedly to everyone. We are asking quite a lot from everyone at this difficult time. I also offer this apology and my sincere regret to my government colleagues.

And while we’re still with finance, markets in Sydney, Tokyo and Seoul will be opening in about 20 minutes. They’re expected to see a lift this morning after those losses yesterday but we’ll see how it pans out.

Here are the scores on the doors from the good folk at IG Markets:

APAC Opening Calls:#ASX 6139 +0.43%#NIKKEI 23030 +0.66%#HSI 24917 +0.60%#NIFTY 11374 +0.75%#A50 15331 +0.68%#TWSE 12459 +1.00%#IGOpeningCall

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from The Guardian