Trump calls out New Zealand’s ‘terrible’ Covid surge; Ibiza bans pool parties, as Spain infections surge; 70 workers test positive at UK desserts factory. Follow the latest
- Trump calls out NZ’s Covid surge, on day it records nine new cases
- Alarm over Covid case rates in 19 European countries
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President Trump has singled out New Zealand as country which had coronavirus under control but has subsequently suffered a “big surge”.
The places they were using to hold up now they’re having a big surge … they were holding up names of countries and now they’re saying ‘whoops!,” he said at a campign rally in Mankato, Minnesota.
Do you see what’s happening in New Zealand? They beat it, they beat it, it was like front-page news because they wanted to show me something. Big surge in New Zealand, you know it’s terrible, we don’t want that, but this is an invisible enemy that should never have been let to come to Europe and the rest of the world by China.
"All of a sudden a lot of the places they were using to hold up, they are having a big surge ... New Zealand, you see what's going on in New Zealand" -- New Zealand had nine (9!) new Covid cases today. The US had more than 42,000.
The outbreaks are not comparable.
Related: Trump calls out New Zealand’s 'terrible' Covid surge, on day it records nine new cases
Lebanon’s health minister warned Monday that hospitals are reaching maximum capacity to treat Covid-19. The country has seen a spike in coronavirus-related cases and deaths in recent weeks and its medical system has been under huge pressure since the massive blast that ripped through Beirut two weeks ago.
The World Health Organization on 12 August said more than half of 55 healthcare facilities evaluated by the agency were “non-functional”, three major hospitals were out of operation and another three were running at well below normal capacity.
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