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Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang addressed the convention, and he endorsed Joe Biden as the right leader to guide America through its uncertain future amid a global pandemic.
“You might know me as the guy who ran for President talking about MATH and the future,” Yang said. “Unfortunately for all of us, that future is now.”
Donald Trump went on a short Twitter rant ahead of the final night of the Democratic National Convention, arguing – without evidence – that Democrats are pushing voters to get mail-in ballots to cheat in the November elections.
In a trio of tweets, Trump - again without evidence - tweeted that Democrats needed a picture ID to get into the Democratic National Convention but opposed picture IDs for requesting mail-in ballots.
To get into the Democrat National Convention, you must have an ID card with a picture...Yet the Democrats refuse to do this when it come to your very important VOTE! Gee, I wonder WHY???
Will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight at 9:00 P.M. Enjoy! @FoxNews
Continue reading...from The Guardian https://ift.tt/3gifD0M