Four people on income support tell us what the supplement has meant for them, and how the planned cut will impact their lives
When the supplement was announced, two things happened immediately. All my worries and concerns about bills and expenses dissipated, and I thought of all the things I could do with the money. I didn’t decide to have a piss-up with mates, or blow the money on pokies (though I express my right to make frivolous bets on sporting events as an Australian.)
I sat at my desk the day after the announcement and wrote down all of the things I didn’t have, the things I needed, and the things that need replacing.
The first thought: I can finally replace this sunken single mattress, and buy a bedframe too. Finally, nearing 26, and for the first time in my adult life, I got a double mattress atop an actual bedframe, not the carpet in my room. I bought new bedding. Decent quality, from the store. Everything was on sale, of course – this six month supplement isn’t going to undo intergenerational penny-pinching.
from The Guardian