Thanks to music and art, I found more hope than grief in lockdown | Cat Woods

The very nature of artists is to investigate and explore the world, and I feel so grateful that they did, even under immense financial and emotional pressure

What did you spend lockdown doing? If it was anything like my lockdown, it involved live-streaming DJs, bands and theatre and live, intimate performances by solo musicians from their bedrooms. I’ve caught up on a lot of books I might otherwise have claimed I was too busy to read.

So it’s thanks to art and artists that I’ve found more reason for hope and excitement the past few months than I have found reasons for grief. The very nature of artists is to investigate, question and express something essential of the mood of the world – or just their world. And through this period, musicians, artists, dancers, choreographers, writers, games developers and everyone with a creative outlet has continuing to work, to create, to innovate and to share their creative talents under immense financial and emotional pressure.

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from The Guardian