The reality is the code, from its followers to its participants, still has a way to go if its Indigenous cohort is to be considered equal
As with all things at the mercy of time, Sir Doug Nicholls Round has come and gone. Naively it is a weekend when followers of Australia’s national game can pause and reflect on the enormous contribution of its Indigenous contingent. Cynically it is a box the AFL knows it must tick and a nice chance for clubs to flog another guernsey.
Formerly Indigenous Round, the annual event is now into its 15th year and fourth under its present nomenclature. But what is the round actually about? Inclusion? Recognition? Celebration? Atonement? At any one time it is each of these things and none of them. Now in its adolescence, the question must be asked if Sir Doug Nicholls Round is doing what is says on the tin. For the other 51 weeks of the year, the answer is probably no.
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