My teenage daughter is done with childhood. Now comes the test of letting go | Andie Fox

I’m surrendering to a force bigger than me, called upon to go deeper than I feel I can endure

My teenage daughter is the only person in Australia who, if offered a beach holiday as an escape from rolling days in lockdown and the claustrophobia of living together in a small house, will decline. And she did not refuse me thoughtfully or with polite regret. She rebuffed me and my holiday with casual savagery.

There is a funny clip on the internet of Tina Fey on The Tonight Show that I find very soothing these days, in which she is talking about her teenage daughter and comparing the experience to having an unrequited office crush. In it, Fey has disguised the pain of these rejections with the lightness of knowing the foolishness one feels when chasing the unattainable. But the rejection of my holiday came unexpectedly.

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from The Guardian