Kitchen hacks, fitness tips and Irish Siri: 31 easy ways to make your life a little better

If you don’t have the energy for sweeping life changes, don’t worry. A few small tweaks can add up to a big difference. Here are all of our easy wins

This year hasn’t exactly got off to a roaring start for most people. 2022 feels more like, as one friend put it: “2020 – the trilogy”. As much as we’re hungry for change, many of us do not have the energy to make big, sweeping shifts; and even if we did, it’s entirely possible that the world will have other plans.

So, what little things can we do to feel better right now? This January, Guardian Australia staff and contributors embarked on a month of easy wins – sharing the small discoveries and changes that improved their lives. Some involved giving back, some giving yourself a break, and a few involved personal admin – because if you just need to achieve something, anything, you can always turn to paperwork.

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from The Guardian