Barry: Bill Hader’s dark, funny and brutal show about an assassin who’d rather be an actor

The SNL star is endearing and menacing in this overlooked comedy-thriller, which is only getting better with time

  • Barry is streaming on Binge in Australia. For more recommendations of what to stream in Australia, click here

A hitman walks into a theatre class in to kill an aspiring actor and discovers he really loves acting. You’d be forgiven for thinking that the premise of Barry sounds like a sketch from Saturday Night Live, the show that shot Bill Hader, Barry’s star and co-creator, to comedy fame.

I was drawn to Barry as a fan of Hader – one of SNL’s best impressionists – and went in expecting fun, high-concept laughs. But over its two seasons (a third is on the way), the series is maturing into something more, becoming a superb meditation on violence and performance.

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from The Guardian