This comedian loves ‘super silly’ humour – so enjoy a fake Bunnings ad, scary Ainsley Harriott and 10 hours of Gandalf dancing
Hey internet, it’s me, Stuart Daulman. I know we’ve been together for a long time and wow, what a time it’s been. It’s just … you’ve changed. Like, really changed. I remember when things were simple, when I had to earn time with you by making sure the landline was free. You were just a source of information and entertainment back then, and you didn’t take everything I say, see and subscribe to, in order to use it against me or make me spend time and money.
And now you’re so … available. I’d like to say I’ve moved on, but we both know that this won’t end. I’ll be back on my devices in no time, mindlessly scrolling away. It’s an endless cycle and there’s nothing we can do about it. I love you, internet, and I think it’s time we take this relationship further. Let’s move in together – I’ve just applied for a two-bedroom house in Reservoir with a nice backyard. It’s going to be good.
Continue reading...from The Guardian