We cannot squander this moment. Australia must tackle the structural issues behind women’s inequality

The post-pandemic lessons of care feminism seem to have sunk in, but if we do not seize the moment now, we may waste a historic opportunity

“From the early months of the Covid pandemic women have borne the brunt of the economic consequences of the pandemic, largely through their roles as paid and unpaid carers,” Australia’s finance minister and newly minted minister for women, Katy Gallagher, reminded us just last week at the G-20 Women’s Summit. “We cannot waste this opportunity to learn from the experience of Covid and shape the care economy for the better in the future.”

Had I attended the summit, I probably would have risen to my feet to hoot and holler in fierce agreement. Gallagher and I have common cause. That same insight – that we have a rare and urgent opportunity for a reimagining for women at work, after the turmoil of the pandemic years and a decade of stasis on the gender equality front here in Australia – is also at the heart of my new book, Leaning Out.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/wkUALT0