Meera Sodha’s vegan recipe for patatas a lo pobre (poor man's potatoes) | The new vegan

A signature Spanish dish, made with everyday ingredients but rich in flavour and texture

European peasant food is some of my very favourite food. Elevating a few affordable and accessible ingredients into something delicious without the need for equipment or high technique will always feel, to me, like the greatest sort of magic – in both the eating and the cooking. In this traditional Andalusian dish, patatas a lo pobre (poor man’s potatoes), the potatoes, onions and green peppers are cooked in a generous slug of olive oil until fudgy, soft and near confit-like, with garlic, parsley and lemon as a final flourish. It might not seem much, but, as with most things, if given extra time and attention, it can become the stuff of the gods.

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from The Guardian