As the recent Azealia Banks v Elon Musk social media spat showed, celebrities aren’t immune to showing up their rivals via telling screenshots
Unless you’ve been orbiting the Earth on a SpaceX shuttle, or maybe living under a Tesla car, you’ll probably know that rapper Azealia Banks and professional billionaire man-child Elon Musk have been embroiled in one of 2018’s oddest feuds. After a bizarre trip to Musk’s house, which the singer described as “a real life episode of Get Out” (Musk, meanwhile, claimed he hadn’t so much as spoken to Banks), she began uploading scandalous screenshots of what she alleged were private conversations with his girlfriend, fellow musician Grimes, to her Instagram story. She had, to use a phrase from the glossary of new social media-related terminology, the “receipts”, and was unafraid to use them.
The term “receipts”, in this context at least, originated from a 2002 tell-all interview with Whitney Houston. When Diane Sawyer asked the singer to verify reports that she had an expensive drug habit, she laughed and responded: “No way, no way. I wanna see the receipts. From the drug dealer that I bought $730,000 worth of drugs from. I wanna see the receipts.” Her retort was eventually immortalised in gif form and the rest is pop culture history.
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