The 'popular Oscar' U-turn is embarrassing. But it's better than the alternative

Hollywood’s 90-year-old dog-and-pony show wants new faces on screen and at the box office, but is worryingly muddled over how to do it

For an institution that recently celebrated its 90th anniversary, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – home to the Oscars – isn’t looking too self-assured these days.

It’s nine years since they announced the biggest-ever shake-up to the Hollywood dog-and-pony show – expanding the Best Picture category from five to 10 nominees – only to half-retreat two years later, shifting to a mathematically arcane formula that keeps the final number in flux. That experiment was a naked grab for more popular inclusivity among the nominees after a run of indie-dominated ceremonies, but they balked when a flat 10 allowed artistically barren dross such as Sandra Bullock’s white-saviour smash The Blind Side through the gates.

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from The Guardian