Paul Keating still has a great turn of phrase, but his thinking is out of date | Greg Jericho

The former PM thunders that changing the superannuation guarantee means you will have ‘eat your house’ in retirement

Paul Keating this week entered the economic debate like a thunderclap. Much as Shakespeare noted that “when beggars die there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes”, when great politicians argue, they deliver comets – words that light up the debate and smash opposition with a force and momentum only the best can produce. No such comets are produced by the feeble politician.

It was perhaps why Malcolm Turnbull continued to disappoint throughout his prime ministership – a man so gifted with words and advocacy yet who failed to advocate and use words to inspire or explain. Instead, the slogan became his standard play and it was a standard no one really wanted to get behind.

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from The Guardian