Marx is all very well, but to effect real change Sigmund Freud’s modern tools of self-examination hold the answers
“If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist.” I love that Karl Marx said that. I love his self-knowledge. I love the poetry of The Communist Manifesto. I love that he was a seer, a prophet of what we now call globalisation. I love that he understood that there is no sphere of our lives, public or private, into which capital does not weave its way, that there can be no compromises. He is the great thinker of our times, but over the past couple of years I have changed my mind about whether he is the most important one.
If I want to read someone whose work truly explains what is happening now, and who is unsettling and properly radical, it is Sigmund Freud I turn to. It is his work that often explains things I would rather not know but recognise happening around me. I haven’t given up on Karl but Siggy strikes me as the man of the hour, the thinker who underpins how we see ourselves. You don’t read Freud for reassurance, but if you want something profound and dazzling, he’s the man.
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