Can cheats prosper in the race to give their children a leg-up at school?

Last week a number of Hollywood stars were accused of bribing university officials to admit their children. Here’s how parents play the education system

It is an extraordinary claim by any measure: rich parents, real live Hollywood celebrities among them, were named by the FBI allegedly paying between $15,000 and $75,000 in bribes and cheat fees to get their kids into university. Up to 50 people, including Felicity Huffman, are alleged to have taken part in a scheme that involved either paying someone else to take the entrance exam or bribing university coaches and officials to admit their children as athletes – even if the student had never played sport.

William “Rick” Singer, CEO of “life coaching and college counselling” company The Key, is claimed to have orchestrated the operation, earning around $25m. It’s currently unclear what will now happen to those privileged students on campus, whether their parents are found guilty or not. But one thing is certain: parents have always used nefarious and sometimes illegal means to get their kids a better education. Here are just a few...

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from The Guardian