Growing: Amy Schumer is the daddy of carnal standup

The comic’s new Netflix hour brings in some of her greatest themes: sex, bodies and the flouting of gendered taboos

A new Amy Schumer special offers more than just a standup set. It’s a status update from an oversharing friend; a dispatch from the frontline (or thereabouts) of fourth-wave feminism. That is the vibe around Growing (from Tue, Netflix), which finds Schumer not only married (to chef Chris Fischer, in February last year), but expecting her first child, a gift to this performer in more ways than one. Other acts might hesitate to tour while heavily pregnant. But not Schumer, for whom gigging in her second trimester sits squarely in a Venn diagram of her interests: sex and the female body; indignity, impropriety and the flouting of gendered taboos.

As if to demonstrate that maternity will not blunt her sharp edges, Schumer opens with the awkward claim that no one seems to notice she is pregnant (“Is she showing?”; “No more than normal … ”). It’s one joke among several about her size. “I kind of feel done with the self-ranking thing,” she told an interviewer last year. But comparing herself detrimentally to more conventionally glamorous women remains a feature of Schumer’s work. Witness her panned 2018 movie comedy I Feel Pretty. And here the routine regretting that her pregnancy runs concurrently with the fragrant Meghan Markle’s.

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from The Guardian